Publicado el 16 junio, 2011 por Tchoin en Articulos

Blades of Passage [N64 DD – Cancelado]

Blades of Passage, tambien conocido como Thu Lu Khan era un juego de Accion-RPG planeado para el Nintendo 64 DD, pero cancelado ya que el objetivo era lanzarlo cuando el 64 DD tuviera su lanzamiento oficial en USA.

Este juego se consideraba como una suerte de homenaje 3D y expansion a las ideas originales del Secret Of Mana (SNES).

Hace un par de semanas aparecieron en la web una buena cantidad de imagenes de este videojuego cancelado, gracias a Gilgamesh, como tambien una entrevista a Richard Knight, uno de los desarrolladores de Pixelplay Interactive, empresa vinculada con el desarrollo de este juego.

Sin dudas que es emocionante que sigan apareciendo juegos cancelados y de tan buena calidad, una lastima que no hayan salido en su tiempo.

A continuacion algunas imagenes:

…y haciendo click en seguir leyendo pueden ver la galeria completa de imagenes y leer la entrevista original a Richard Knight en ingles (proximamente editaremos el articulo para traducirla).

Entrevista a Richard Knight:

By the time I arrived at the studio, the project was in a state of flux. Nintendo first postponed and then cancelled the USA launch of the 64-DD, and then not too long after 64MB cartridges became a feasible reality, the marching orders were given for all projects to go to the GameCube instead if possible.

I was hired very late into development as a 3D Modeller, with the eye to move over to Design when it made sense. I started to contribute some models and level environments, but slowdowns in the project forced me to switch to campaign and story design during the final months. (Tools in the days of N64 were tremendously primitive compared to today, so I suppose this wasn’t surprising.)

Project Edge was nowhere near finished, but as the founding and sole project of the studio, there was a lot of hope behind it until the end. Pixelplay had a tremendous sense of start-up pride, and working directly with Nintendo (on an RPG no less!) was a dream for many developers – myself included – and there were people on this project before me for 3 years or more! Losing the project changed the fabric of the company more or less on the spot.

Shortly after Project Edge was shelved, the studio was reformed into Orbital Media, and N64 hardware was changed in for early Game Boy Advance development kits.

[ Fuente: Unseen64 ]


Desarrollador de software y coleccionista de videojuegos apasionado, le encanta investigar y escribir sobre juegos oscuros/betas/cancelados y prototipos de hardware.